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History of Changes
Introduction and explanation of symbols
Changes are sorted by "type" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:=add,
Version 0.2-dev (not-released)
Changes to the Code Base
Now using SourceTypeAction (content aware pipelines) to respond to the document type declaration in the xml instances. So now not restricted to using specific *-locations.html URIs. Committed by DC.
Added geoPoint element to DTD v1.2 to allow the recording of Latitude and Longitude co-ordinatess for entries. Committed by RDG.
Added external DTD v1.0 Committed by DC.
Initial plugin code. Committed by DC.
Use locationmap for resource resolution. Exposes internal stylesheets as {lm:listLocations.transform.*.*} Committed by DC. Thanks to Philippe Perez.
DTD v1.1 enables use of Common Character Entities. Committed by DC.
DTD v1.1 enables notes to have links. Committed by DC.
Contributors to this release
We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.
This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
(DC), (RDG).
This is a list of other contributors:
Philippe Perez.
All Committers
This is a list of all people who have ever participated as committers on this project.
- Volunteer needed (open)