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Plugins Index (v0.7)
Apache Software Foundation > Apache Forrest
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Plugins Index

Plugins Index

Plugins are a way of extending Forrest to satisfy site-specific needs. If a site requires one or more plugins then the site designer will have named them in the project.required.plugins property in the projects file. When Forrest builds the site it will automatically discover the plugin and install it. For more information on how to use plugins see Extending Forrest with Plugins .

This page lists all plugins that have been recognised by the Apache Forrest project. There are two sections to this page, the first is the released plugins, The second is the whiteboard plugins. Any plugins in the released section have been verified as working in the versions of Forrest specified. However, this verification does not imply that the plugins are mature, merely that they work as documented. See the plugin documentation for how mature they are and the features they support.

The second section lists plugins in the whiteboard, that is plugins that may change considerably in how they work before their first official release. These plugins may not be fully functional, in most cases they are usable, but developers should use them with caution as they are not considered stable. You would need to keep up-to-date with the dev@ mailing list.

If you have created a plugin that is not listed here please let us know.
The minimum version of Forrest is for latest version of the plugin, there may be an earlier versions of the plugin for earlier versions of Forrest. If you do not define a version number for the plugin it will always use the latest version compatible with your version of Forrest. However, be aware that if you are using a development version of forrest, you will also be using development versions of the plugins.

Released Plugins

Input Plugins

Input plugins enable Forrest to work with source documents in different formats.


Use the NekoDTD tool packaged as a Cocoon Generator to automatically generate some hyperlinked DTD reference documentation.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Reads (simple) Excel sheets from the Excel "Save As" (Type=XML).

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.3
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7

Embed syndicated content in a Forrest site.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7

Use lists of locations maintained in a simple xml format and transform them to documents.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7

Use various document formats as input sources.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Create a photo Gallery by simply dropping your photos into a directory.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.3
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7

Generates project info such as changelog and todo list.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Enable Simplified Docbook to be used as input.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Embed various wiki documents in a Forrest site.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Embed Pod (Plain Old Documentation) documents in a Forrest site.

AuthorRonald Blaschke
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Output Plugins

Output plugins enable Forrest to produce documents in different formats.


Enable Forrest documents to be output in PDF format.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.3
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.9 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Enable Forrest documents to be output in Plain Old Documentation (POD) format.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Enable Forrest documents to be output in Text format.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6

Create S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System presentations from xdocs.

AuthorRoss Gardler
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7

Internal Plugins

Internal plugins change the core behaviour of Forrest.

No plugins of this type available.

Whiteboard Plugins

See introduction for warnings about plugins in development.
Plugins in this section may not automatically deploy when you run Forrest as they are still in development. You may need to perform some manual installation steps to use them. See the plugin documentation for more details.

Input Plugins

Input plugins enable Forrest to work with source documents in different formats.


Read content from a relational database.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Not yet published This plugin has not yet been deployed. Only available in the development SVN repository.
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Allow content to be included from a Daisy CMS repository.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.8 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Embed log file output in Forrest sites. If Forrest is running in a dynamic environment, then pages can be updated to show recent changes in the log whenever required.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Output Plugins

Output plugins enable Forrest to produce documents in different formats.

Generate output in RTF format.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Not yet published This plugin has not yet been deployed. Only available in the development SVN repository.
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Charting plugin that utilises JChart.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

WYSIWYG editing of HTML documents (requires Forrest to be running dynamically).

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Generate output in RTF format.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Not yet published This plugin has not yet been deployed. Only available in the development SVN repository.
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.6
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Internal Plugins

Internal plugins change the core behaviour of Forrest.


Generates a google-sitemap for all pages in each site.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Not yet published This plugin has not yet been deployed. Only available in the development SVN repository.
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Enable Forrest to use page-specific views and contracts. Next generation skinning.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.2
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.9 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Other versions Older versions are available to suit this "0.7" version of Forrest. This will be detected automatically. For documentation, please browse.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.

Use an IMS Manifest file to manage site structure. Generates site.xml and tabs.xml from an imsmanifest.xml file when one is available. Also enables content in one Content Package to be embedded in another.

AuthorApache Forrest Project
Download URL:
Latest Plugin version0.1
Minimum Forrest version required Forrest-0.7 is required to use the most recent version of this plugin.
Initial Forrest version This plugin was first available for Forrest-0.7
Warning This plugin is in the whiteboard development area. See notes in the introduction above.