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History of Changes
Introduction and explanation of symbols
Changes are sorted by "type" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:=add,
Version 0.1 (unreleased)
Changes to Project Administration
Initial plugin code extracted from the old views plugin. Committed by TS.
Changes to the Code Base
Enabled the output html serializer to be configurable to either xhtml or html. See docs: Configure output serializer. Committed by DC. See Issue FOR-1156.
More i18n work by Sjur on Dispatcher. This patch correctly localizes menus & tabs. Committed by TS. Thanks to Sjur Moshagen. See Issue FOR-937.
Add ability to get a list of contracts provided by a plugin. For this to work the plugin name must have "plugin" within it, e.g. "org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.doap". Requesting will return a source listing of plugins provided by the named plugin. Requesting[FORMAT] will return a formatted output document listing all templates supplied by the identified plugin. Committed by RDG.
Extending the dispatcher with an internal format. This internal format is our xdoc or xhtml2. The internal format will then be contacted by e.g. html contracts. Committed by TS.
Added first implementation of the dispatcher. Including contract bean implementation and interface; dispatcher exception and dispatcher transformers. Committed by TS.
Adding the dispatcher concept documentation from the site-author. Committed by TS.
Activated multiple output formats to be configured via a View. Committed by TS.
Added contracts and nuggets to the "view" plugins. Committed by TS.
FOR-975 Renaming tiles to panel. Committed by TS. See Issue FOR-975.
Rename to ContractsMessages_en.xml, part of i18n changes by Sjur. Committed by DC. Thanks to Sjur Moshagen. See Issue FOR-939.
Cleaning up usage of structurer using the new chunks of FOR-1059. Reducing code duplications. Committed by TS.
Cleaning up locationmap from the former xdocs location. See news #cleanup.15.06.07 how to update. Committed by TS.
i18n: Add LocaleAction action wrapper, and use the locale provided by it. Was taking the locale directly from the request instead of using the standard method in Forrest: LocaleAction. Committed by DC. Thanks to Sjur Moshagen. See Issue FOR-935.
Changes to Documentation
Added an examples tab and section to show working examples of how to add independant and plugin dependent contracts. A first example showing the POD plugin & contract has been started. Committed by GM.
Adding the "how tos" from the site-author to this plugin. Committed by TS.
Added a dispatcher glossary. Thanks to Thorsten for moving to the plugin. Committed by GM.
Added infos of the pattern the plugin is using. Committed by TS.
Updated the "how it works" section and moved it to its own site. Committed by TS.
Added section "linking to external css files" to howto-structurer-dsl doc. Committed by TS. Thanks to Paul Bolger. See Issue FOR-768.
Contributors to this release
We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.
This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
David Crossley (DC), Gavin McDonald (GM), Ross Gardler (RDG), Thorsten Scherler (TS).
This is a list of other contributors:
Paul Bolger, Sjur Moshagen.
All Committers
This is a list of all people who have ever participated as committers on this project.
- David Crossley (DC)
- Ross Gardler (RDG)
- Thorsten Scherler (TS)
- Gavin McDonald (GM)
- Volunteer needed (open)